Mark Jackson-搜索结果

  • 缺少 Without


    导演:Mark Jackson   编剧:Mark Jackson

    主演:Joslyn Jensen, Ron Carrier

      On a remote wooded island, a young woman becomes caretaker to an old man in a vegetative state. She has no cell signal, no Internet. Only a year removed from high school and forced to meet the needs of a man who cannot respond, Joslyn vacillates between finding solace in his company and feeling fear and anger towards him. As the monotony of daily routine starts to unravel, boun...

  • 他在窥着你 Eyes of a Stranger

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:肯·威德合恩   编剧:Eric L. Bloom, Mark Jackson (III)


      史丹利(John DiSanti 饰)表面看上去是一个非常普通的男人,实际上,他就是犯下了无数起强奸案的“迈阿密之狼”。史丹利为人非常的小心谨慎,因此没有留下任何的犯罪线索,这让警方的调查一度陷入了困境之中。珍妮(Lauren Tewes 饰)住在史丹利家对面,敏感的她渐渐发觉了自己的邻居身上异于常人的地方,并且开始怀疑他就是迈阿密之狼。